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Yoga Sutra: Chapter 2
Yogasutras - Chapter 2
Intro: Krishnamacharya on the second chapter and kriya yoga (01:13) (1:12)
The why of the second chapter? (5:17)
What is Kriya Yoga? (4:22)
What is Tapas? (3:58)
Is Svadhyaya self study? (3:39)
Isvara Pranidhana is not giving up of the fruits of our actions (3:21)
The benefits of Kriya Yoga (3:42)
The mental afflictions - Klesas (4:53)
The four states of mental afflictions (3:35)
Avidya - wrong opposite knowledge (5:11)
The I-feeling (3:43)
Attachment - Raga (4:27)
Aversion - Dvesa (3:14)
Fear - Abhinivesa (3:52)
How to dissolve gross and subtle klesas (3:09)
Summary of sutras 1-11 (7:28)
Result of actions based on the mental afflictions (4:36)
Birth, life span and experiences (3:41)
Unhappiness is inbuilt in happiness (6:10)
Unhappiness due to the changing gunas (3:53)
Potential of unhappiness in worldly pleasures (4:00)
Root cause of unhappiness (3:57)
Nature of mind and matter (4:37)
How the gunas are spread in layers (4:10)
Nature of the Seer (5:05)
Mind – bondage or freedom (3:09)
Plurality of Consciousness and singularity of the world (3:28)
Realization through connection (3:17)
Root cause of bondage is mental afflictions (2:41)
The state of permanent peace (3:03)
The means to permanent peace (2:56)
The seven steps to ultimate realization (2:34)
Summary of sutras 11-27 (8:25)
The eight limbs of yoga – the means to realization (4:16)
List of eight limbs (4:14)
The five dont’s - yamas (3:31)
How a yogi should practice the yamas (2:59)
The five do’s - niyamas (3:05)
How to handle perverse/negative thoughts (3:41)
Cause-intensity-execution of perverse/negative thoughts (3:58)
Result of mastery over non harmfulness-truth and non-stealing (3:44)
Result of mastery over celibacy and non-acquisitiveness (3:39)
Result of mastery over external and internal cleanliness (3:33)
Result of mastery over contentment and tapas (3:40)
Result of mastery over svadhyaya and Isvara pranidhana (3:50)
Qualities of asana (2:34)
Means to master the asanas and the results (3:34)
Pranayama (3:40)
Three types of pranayama (4:00)
Results in the fourth type of pranayama (3:21)
Result of mastery of pranayama (2:45)
Senses control and the result (3:18)
Summary of the sutras 28-55 (7:13)
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Qualities of asana
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